Emerald Nova Games


Tool developer and multitap enthusiast. Sega Xtreme page.


  1. Balloonatics
  2. Disasteroids


Emerald Nova: What names are you known by in the Sega Xtreme and Sega Homebrew community?

Slinga: Slinga, Supahfly.

Emerald Nova: When did you come into the Sega Xtreme and Sega Homebrew community?

Slinga: My registration says Apr 17, 2001 but this wasn't the original SX boards. There was another SX board predating this one and I guess we all had to re-register accounts.

Emerald Nova: How did you find the community?

Slinga: There was a website called Saturn World that had Sega Saturn news. Don't know how I found SX from there. Then again SX had a lot of piracy in the beginning.

Emerald Nova: What projects you have contributed to in some form? Who did you work with on these projects?

Slinga: I made a list of all (to my knowledge) Sega Saturn multitap games that has been copied around the web. I rewrote Save Game Copier and Twelve Snakes from my original versions so nothing surprising. I'm guessing.

Emerald Nova: Is there anyone you think is in danger of being forgotten or lost to time that made contributions to the community?

Slinga: CyberWarriorX, Vreuzon, Djidjo.

Emerald Nova: Is there anything else you could think of that should make it into the Saturn Homebrew history pages?

Slinga: No comment.

Emerald Nova: Do you have any previous history in game development or the game industry?

Slinga: No.

Emerald Nova: Thank you for your time!
