Emerald Nova Games


3D artist and defender of the 3D SEGA machines.


  1. Hellslave
  2. Irréel


Emerald Nova: What names are you known by in the Sega Xtreme and Sega Homebrew community?

Corvusdeux: Corvusdeux.

Emerald Nova: When did you come into the Sega Xtreme and Sega Homebrew community?

Corvusdeux: Well around 2016. I remember because it when I start to go deep in my research for the post of Sega Saturn for me personal blog.

Emerald Nova: How did you find the community?

Corvusdeux: By google. I tried to find some specific information about the Saturn: SCU-DSP use, second SH-2 use, transparency use... Things like that.

Emerald Nova: What projects you have contributed to in some form? Who did you work with on these projects?

Corvusdeux: Only on Hellslave for XL2. 3D graphics are my main skill.

Emerald Nova: Is there anyone you think is in danger of being forgotten or lost to time that made contributions to the community?

Corvusdeux: Really I don't know. Luckily there is vbt and now you ;).

Emerald Nova: Is there anything else you could think of that should make it into the Saturn Homebrew history pages?

Corvusdeux: Well I think you have the correct idea. Timeline, people involved, contact of these people, machines, achievements, name of project, files to download, source code, documentation, maybe some interview or link with complementary information...

Emerald Nova: Do you have any previous history in game development or the game industry?

Corvusdeux: Yes, I did a course or master in video-games around the 2011. We made a small prototype for the final master. I learn a lot about design of videogames in general.

Emerald Nova: Thank you for your time!
